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“I don’t like that man, I must get to know him better.” ~ Abraham Lincoln


Avenue Mediation offers mediation, facilitation, coaching, and communication skills building. Avenue Mediation’s goal is to help people resolve conflict in open and constructive ways, and to foster the communication skills necessary to have not only more productive and meaningful conversations in the future, but healthier relationships as well.

Ali Ansell is a facilitator and Qualified Mediator (National Designation).  She is the former chair of the Conflict Resolution Day Planning Committee and former VP of the ADR Institute of Alberta Board of Directors. Ali is in partnership with Coreen Lawrence in the creation of Values Based Living, a program that helps people manage both inner and outer conflict. She is employed by the Alberta Energy Regulator to work through oil and gas related conflicts with companies, landowners, and Indigenous communities. She also works privately in community and workplace disputes and teaches conflict management and communication workshops. She believes that the key to any healthy relationship, personal or professional, is intentional self-reflection and constructive communication. Ali’s goal is to provide people the tools and opportunity to tell their story and be heard by creating a safe environment where assertive communication skills can be created and nurtured.

Ali Ansell’s Educational Highlights:


Message from Ali:

Sometimes in relationships (whether they be personal. business, or workplace) issues that may have started small can turn into long-standing arguments that seem to go in never-ending circles. Mediation is an opportunity to finally hash out these arguments and disagreements in an organized way that helps everyone feel heard and respected. I believe that if everyone involved has a chance to tell his or her story it can be much easier to find a creative solution that works for everyone.